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Subcontracting and outsourcing of blueprints, wiring diagrams and technical documentation

Anchor 1 Electrico

Your technical office has peak working times and needs help?
Do you need technical support for documentation development?
Does your company require an external technical office for its projects?
Do you need an electrical draughtsman for hours or half a day?

Anchor 2

You have the solution in

We are specialists with experience in the electrical sector, offering subcontracting services of draughtsmen and technicians to support the realization of schemes, blueprints, technical documentation and other related work.

servicios introducción de datos en excel
servicios introducción de datos en excel
servicios introducción de datos en excel
servicios introducción de datos en excel
servicios introducción de datos en excel
servicios introducción de datos en excel
Anchor 3

Our objectives are:

servicios introducción de datos en excel

That the client is satisfied with the result and asks for our service again

servicios introducción de datos en excel

That the service is economical for the client

servicios introducción de datos en excel

That the service is agile and fast

servicios introducción de datos en excel

That our draughtsmen have experience in the sector

servicios introducción de datos en excel

Good communication between the client and the draughtsman

servicios introducción de datos en excel

That the projects are completed according to the estimated planing

servicios introducción de datos en excel

That our clients can collaborate with Proiekt from any place using the Mobile Phone, tablet or PC.

We offer services for the outsourcing of their electrical projects, schematics and preparation of technical documentation, with the following programs or others that may request us

servicios diseño Archicad
servicios diseño Autocad



servicios diseño Max design 3D

3D Max

servicios diseño Revit Autodesk


servicios  diseño Inventor Autodesk


servicios introducción de datos en excel


servicios introducción de datos en excel

PTC - Creo

servicios diseño sketch up 3D

Google SketchUp

servicios diseño Solidworks

Solid Works

servicios diseño Solidedge

Solid Edge

servicios diseño Unigraphics


servicios introducción de datos en excel


See below our most important advantages

that differentiate us

We invite you to explore our applications and work  processes that our users like so much.

Follow-up and control of the time worked by your draughtsman

Do you have doubts as to whether the hours we are going to charge you are the hours actually worked? Do not doubt, as in Proiekt you can time the work done by your draughtsman and observe at any moment your draughtsman´s screen during the process, all stored in the cloud so you can access it whenever you please. In Proiekt we are transparent

with our work

ver pantalla delineante
control delineante
cronometrar trabajo delineacion
aplicación control diseño

Control your projects

from anywhere

With our applications for Iphone, Ipad and Android, in addition to HTML5 technology, you will be able to access the management of your projects, be in contact with your draughtsman and control the work that is being executed from anywhere.

You and your designer on

the same platform

With Proiekt, your blueprints, sketches, data and other information are stored in the cloud, forget about writing and sending emails periodically with too many documents attached, just log in and see the same information as your designer.

subcontratar CAD
servicios delineación en la nube

We invite you to request a closed budget without any commitment. We also work by the hour, half day or  according to the interests of the client.

City Skyline
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